Originally Posted by Adger Smith
14101083...87-up...350..........Gen.I, also used on crate motors, 285 or 300 hp, 64cc
chambers, 72' center manifold bolt
Is this the head you are looking for?
Those 083s were not on the crate motors. They might have been on some of the very early crate engines back then but quickly went away. Instead, they used the 217's which were the same part number, but different casting #. I still have the sales receipt when I ordered a new set of 083's from the GM dealer only to have 217's in the box. Dealer told me the "replacement head" for the IROCS/Z-28's/Formula Firebirds was the 217's.
The 083 were on 88-91 350 cu in Z-28s, Formula Firebirds and IROC's. And they are rare. Most of those Camaro and Firebirds had 305's in them (081 Head). The boat motors had 217's....
Don't use the 217s, they are even thinner than the 083's, which have thin decks and are made out of pop can material. Both the 083 and 217 are of the scalloped type, similar to all the water leaking 624's that we used to run. The 083s are an OK head for a Stocker but hold your breath kind of head for Superstock.
Oddly enough, if you look in the guide you will see some other numbers listed with the casting #;s. One of those #'s is 10159552. Seems to be a 552-casting number but it's not. Turns out that is the Part Number when ordering a new 083 head . (Below)