Lab day hilites
The Can-Am Stock Super Stock's biggest weekend at TMP and it went off without a hitch. Sat. saw 40 entries and it was a first gen. 4 spd. Camaro beating Brian Clayton's 3rd gen. Super Stocker in the final of the night. Congrats to Tony, Ann-Marie and Nicole Valerio. Sundays weather changed from hot and sticky to cool and heavy overcast and despite the gloomy weather report 36 showed for rd one and first time winner Dan Flanigan got the job done driving Bill Kraft's Camaro Stocker. Bob Parks ran under trying to catch him for the runner up spot. Sat's racer bbq was a big hit with an awesome prize table and THANKS to all that helped make this one of our most special events of the season. Side note- the track bite was first class all weekend.