My buddy races a 60 vette in modified. If they approved R&P for modified I could understand but.... Turning SS/AH into comp cars more than Super STOCK! SMH.....
I sure hope so Mike. Waiting on pistons right now. Unbelievable delays with part supplies but all going according to plan otherwise. Sure wish I could put a rack in the corvette as the steering linkage hugs the ground and the pan.
That is sort of my point here. If I am worried about parts exiting the pan and taking out the steering linkage I have bigger issues than a rule change to a rack and pinion. I see the rule change as Hp - losing center link through the pan, Better header clearance on drivers side and once one of the top guys do it, they all need to. Rack and pinion at chassis shop $, New stainless headers on drivers side $$, new oil pan $. Have fun without me and see you in the eliminator!
Maybe I'm old school but I like to keep the stock in Super Stock. The way the factory built them and adhere to the rules in the rulebook. I don't intervene on these Stock threads as I don't race a stocker but makes me sick to see the bending of the rules and that our models for class racing are unsustainable. How many kids that ARE interested in Stock and SS can afford to build a competitive car aside from an obscure combination avoiding a heads up. Good luck as our classes are dying off faster than replacements are coming in.... Rant over and see you guys in '23. Shoot-out vette and Eliminator SS/AH car lol!
squeaky wheel gets the grease as always....rules creep at its finest.....if u guys want pro stockers im sure the waters fine over there...oh i forgot u want to be a big phish in a little sea
Everyone cries "death wobble". How many AH cars have that shake? How much ET do you think that would scrub? Not all the AH cars do this and I believe the scrub is negligible as at the top of low gear thees very little weight on the front tires. In SS/CA my Street Hemi has run almost 150 and no wheel wobble, my steering box is not ground on for header clearance and there is a brace supporting the top of the steering box. This is 155 lbs more than AH. I saw one steering box break with the wobble and there was very little left of it where it broke- ground on heavily for header clearance and no brace up top. Replaced with a cast iron stock style box and believe it is still in car and running over 160.
My big argument against this is this:
1) It is not inline with the Bible (Rulebook) here. A super Stock car uses stock components massaged to a higher level. We start throwing away stock components and pretty soon Super Stock turns into either PRO Stock or Super GAS! Where does it end? We have the R&P, Struts are even safer than these rusty old control arms.... Stock is going down this path right now and it will not end well for either class
2) Once one of the top cars update and gains an advantage so will every other car that wants to play at that level. Even parked cars that are for sale or will be for sale are now worth less. I estimated $5k for updates but I believe that is low in this inflated economy. The big draw at Indy is competitive racing. This will only separate the top cars from 2nd string or slower cars. More expense and less competitive racing = lose/lose
I'm all for safety but not at the expense of the rules. Show me one recent crash in AH caused by a broken, non ground on, non braced box. And if you kick the rods and take out your steering linkage, Call MR2 for a diaper and stock forged steel centerlink .
While we're writing letters, I'm going to petition NHRA for a pro charger to bolt on the front of my Hemi. Much safer on my wallet to make 1050hp.......