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Old 11-19-2008, 09:26 PM   #31
Larry Ericksmoen
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Default Re: Steve Dillman back in the hospital

Steve, Get well soon! You are in our hearts and prayers.

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Old 11-20-2008, 01:27 PM   #32
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Default Re: Steve Dillman back in the hospital

Latest post from Frosty and Steve

Thursday, November 20, 2008. Hello everyone. I decided to wait and update the journal until after we saw the doctors this morning. Steve is on the road to recovery, but the road in long.
This week has been very difficult for both of us.
For Steve, having others come in to care for him is difficult. As I am sure, it would be any man. While his heart is touched by the kindness of those giving of themselves to care for him, he has a hard time wrapping his mind around needing the help. As for his spirit, that too is suffering. He has been pretty depressed and Lord knows he has reason to be. While he is better than he was last week, he is still so weak and frail. He has not been able to drive a car for more than six weeks. He cannot eat let alone taste anything. He is simply weary.
For me, leaving him for any reason causes me great anixiety. It is hard for me to take the time to write on this journal. I cry every time I have to leave the house to go to the bank, store and especially to work for an entire day. For all of you who think I need a break. Honestly, don't worry about me. I need to be right here with him. My break will come when I see "my" husband return.
Now today comes along and we were anticipating it being a good one. While both doctors think he is coming along as expected, he has been throwing up all morning, which started at the hospital. At this point he is just wiped out! It was just too much to get ready and out of the house so early today. We scheduled a PET scan for the end of December along with follow up visits with the radiation and chemo doctors. They both assured us things will get better we just have to be patient. Steve may actaully be able to eat in a couple of weeks. We try to remember....small blessings.
Of course, I am not going into the office, even though PJ is here to help today. I do have to get some blood work done myself, so she is staying for a while. Once I see that Steve is able to take a feeding, then I will run out and do that. Steve insisted that I go ahead and get my blood work done while we were at the hospital, but I knew he felt bad and needed to come home, so I brought him home right away.
Cancer robs you of so much more than your health; it robs you of your dignity, your time, your confidence, your quality of life, your peace and I dare say, some days, it shakes your faith. But the saddest of all, it robs you of your laughter. Right now that is what we miss most, just simple joy.
I know things will be better and we have to be patient, but right now, today, we are just having a bad time.
Please pray that Steve is well enough to attend ORP's banquet on Saturday, if only for a while. It would lift his spirits to be with all our racing friends. He misses his life. You all know what a social guy he is....he knows every one in the free world! Ever try getting through an event with Steve? Pack a lunch, you're going to be there awhile!
Thank you all for your continued support for us, it means so much. We would be lost without it. Your encouragement lifts us and we are blessed to have so many faithful friends.
Again, I say to those who have helped us with the daily grind.....surely God will bless your service to us.
Love, Frosty
The Doughboy
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Old 11-20-2008, 02:29 PM   #33
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Default Re: Steve Dillman back in the hospital

Get Well Steve.......

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Old 11-24-2008, 10:23 AM   #34
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Default Re: Steve Dillman back in the hospital

Latest Update from Frosty

Sunday, November 23, 2008
Hello everyone. I thought I would update while Steve naps. Today has been a good day. We needed it. Steve has had a hard time rebounding from being so sick on Thursday. His spirits have been pretty low and that step backward did not help much.
We were not able to go to ORP's banquet last night. He was just not well enough. I surely would have driven him out there, but he was afraid he would get sick there. Frankly, so was I. He would have loved to just visit with everyone. I understand Mike had a lot of nice things to say about him and I appreciate that. I don't know the details, but I know Mike's heart when it comes to Steve.
Today he seems a little happier. I am sure it is because he feels a little better. In fact at various times today, he has "tried" to eat cereal, oatmeal, drink milk, coffee, pepsi and also asked for a subway sandwich at lunch. He was not able to consume any of it, but he "tried" and that is a good sign. He had to settle for the feeding tube, but he is glad his body is tolerating it.
We are hoping he will be able to eat on Thanksgiving. But if not, he, Lyndsay and I will just spend the day together. If he can eat, I will prepare dinner, if not, we will just skip the "eating" part of Thanksgiving, and count our blessings. There are several people who have invited us to dinner and who knows, maybe we will even take someone up on that offer. We'll just see what the day brings. One day at a time... We are getting pretty good at that.
One thing is for sure, we will be thinking of all the wonderful people who have been on this journey with us; the caregivers, doctors, nurses, technicians, friends, family and all those people we have met. If I could I would prepare a feast for all of you in honor of the kindnesses you have all shown.
Steve is getting stronger each day and I see the light in his eyes clearer with each morning. I know that God will continue to lead us and carry us when the load is to heavy and I am comforted by that knowledge.
Thank you and God bless.
Love, Frosty

Sounds like things are going good Frosty.. To you and Steve and the Family have a great Thanksgiving and my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Hope to see you all soon
The Doughboy
Lee Lones
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Old 11-24-2008, 10:27 AM   #35
Barney B
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Default Re: Steve Dillman back in the hospital

Great news! Our thoughts and prayers are still with him for a speedy recovery.
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Old 11-24-2008, 06:24 PM   #36
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Default Re: Steve Dillman back in the hospital

Hang in there Steve...You'll be better in no time.

It's posts like these from Frosty that make me cherish the little things in life...
Jason Oldfield
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Old 11-25-2008, 10:26 AM   #37
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Default Re: Steve Dillman back in the hospital

Please read this..... Posted today by Frosty,

Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Steve is not doing well. He was very sick again yesterday. He started the morning throwing up and then the rest of the day and last night very nauseated. I called the doctor's office and by the time he called back I was down right mad.....
It seems like we just keep hitting a brick wall with this feeding tube. Steve has endured 71 radiation treatments in 6 months, numerous procedures and every side effect that comes with cancer treatment. He has been fighting this thing since March and this feeding tube business is simply kicking his butt! I would add, that it is kicking my butt too. We are simply weary.
Rick is taking Steve over for blood tests this morning and we are scheduled to see the doctor tomorrow morning. There has to be something else going on. And we need to find out what it is. We have come too far and we have fought every step of the way, for this to be happening!
Today I am asking you all to pray vigantly that Steve can hold down his nourishment and this day is uneventful. One day at a time......
I have to go to work, I have pretty much missed the month of November and after missing much of the summer as well, my desk is piled high. As you can imagine, by purse is not. So again, thank you to Rick and everyone else who have stepped up and volunteered to be with him while I am at work.
I am open to any suggestions on lifting Steve's spirits. But for now, I am asking that you can come and see him to help him pass the time and encourage him. There is no better medicine than friendship. Trust me, I know that my my cheer leading days are over. The look on his face assures me of that at times. He needs his friends and since he cannot come to you, I am asking you to come to him and help him continue this fight.
God Bless,
Love, Frosty

Steve and Frosty when i get back from Colorado I will call and get setup to come and see you.. Stay strong Steve and Frosty this will pass and your life will get back to normal. Keep your faith in each other and in God. You will get through this. Thinking of both of you.
The Doughboy
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Old 11-27-2008, 09:25 AM   #38
Bob Verwold
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Default Re: Steve Dillman back in the hospital

Steve is back in the hospital again, what a lousy way to spend the holiday. We know you can shake this thing Steve so keep fighting........................
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Old 11-27-2008, 11:12 PM   #39
Ryan Dillman
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Default Re: Steve Dillman back in the hospital


Hello everyone this is Steves son Ryan. Yes my dad is back in the hospital he was really doing good today he was in good spirits and kind of seemed like his old self. They started feeding him through the tube today again and are starting slow only giving him 30 mililiters per hour trying to get his stomach back to normal. They said that possibly his stomach wasnt woke up yet and was rejecting the food if that makes any sense. He had alot of visitors today which im sure he loved seeing and thank you all for all the wonderful things you have had to say on here it really means alot to him and us. This has been a long road for him but he is the strongest person i know and things will get better. We were talking today about racing and all he could say was he just wants to run super street and get back out with his friends again. Marlin Snyder has really helped dad through this and i want to thank him for being such a great friend to dad and the family. I will try to keep everyone updated everyday. Like Frosty says One day at a time.
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Old 11-28-2008, 12:00 PM   #40
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Default Re: Steve Dillman back in the hospital

Thanks for the update Ryan...

I try to post all the update Frosty does on Caring Bridge
I will be down to see your dad as soon as i can
Here is the latest from Frosty

Friday, November 28, 2008
Good morning everyone. Happy belated Thanksgiving. Thank you all for your continued support and thank you "mini-me" for filling in.
Steve is getting much needed nourishment and rest here at the hospital. Wednesday was a bad day gone worse by late afternoon. Steve just could not keep anything down. It seemed we would take one step forward and two back. One day he would feel and look pretty good and the next, well, let's just say "not".
Short of evasive testing, the doctors have ruled out any kind of infection, displaced feeding tube, allergies, etc. They simply think his stomach has not fully "woke up" for lack of better words. While this does not happen often, it does happen. They decided to start from the beginning and at 3:00 pm yesterday, after letting his system calm down, they began a slow continuous feeding. So far, so good, He has not experienced any nausea. Hopefully, this is exactly what he needs.
Late last night the tube either became backed up or simply pulled apart. Whatever happened, the nurse swiftly took care of the problem. Which at this point, is exactly what "I" need.
On Wednesday, I had simply reached my wit's end. I am tired scared and worried beyond words. While we have all these wonderful friends and family helping us with Steve's care, at the end of the day, I am left alone to handle any emergency. In those moments the struggle between my mind and heart is devastating. Being here in the hospital, gives me emotional comfort and certainly gives Steve medical comfort. We are where we need to be.
As I said he is responding well, so far. Of course we have less than 24 hours on feeding, but slow is our course and hopefully we will just keep moving forward.
Although not our first choice for celebrating Thanksgiving, we had all the incredients needed to be a successful one.
We were nourished. Steve by his feeding tube, and me via a care package from Tom and Joyce, prepared by Mayme (Joyce's mother-thank you. it was delicious). delivered by Lyn.
We were surrounded by friends and family all day. The visitors started at 9:00 yesterday morning and ended at 8:00 last night. There was a steady stream of phone calls and I am sure, prayers. The love and fellowship that filled our room equalled any home setting with all the holiday trimmings. While the visits were tiring for Steve, his spirit was revived and as they say, "that is half the battle". He felt so connected and alive. Sleep came easy to him last night and I am grateful to all of you that took the time away from your own families to spend some time with us. I know all of your visits were God's messages of hope and faith.
This certainly was a Thanksgiving to remember and will always be special to us. Steve's turkey came through a tube, and mine good as it was, was from a paper plate and on the "cold side", but at the end of the day we were "stuffed".........with love.
Thank you all so much.
When you are finished with the Black Friday shopping and those left over turkey sandwiches, come see us, we are here for a while.
Love, Frosty and Steve.
The Doughboy
Lee Lones
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