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Old 09-03-2020, 12:03 PM   #61
Stan Weiss
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Default Re: Wow Tiffany Trump

Even on Commie FOX News, many there will no longer back the "Liar and Chief's" BS.

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Old 09-03-2020, 01:09 PM   #62
Dan Fahey
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Default History of PPACA

Brief History of the PPACA
The PPACA was developed by Republicans over 3 decades in response to Medicare and Medicaid being passed in Congress. That left the rest of the population dealing with Insurance companies that were now no-longer restricted to Congressional rules and became for Profit Insurance. This lead to insurance companies screwing over their Insured Patrons. Making policy changes without notification, denying preexisting conditions, selling policies to poor people in the south with cancer issues. Then denying coverage even if the coverage stated it was covered. Hospitals were impacted hard and increased their prices to prevent Bankruptcy and a big fight started. All over money.

This was more rampant as Insurance Companies were attached to Shareholder Wall Street performance. Growing public sentiment forced review of insurance companies and healthcare. Which included Pharma raising prices on Medication developed by US Healthcare agencies and given to Pharma to manufacture and distribute.

HillaryCare and other Programs were being discussed in Congress. When HillaryCare became the dominant topic Republicans started selling their program the PPACA and trashing Hillarycare. Which Republicans ended up adopted many of the policies and rules.

Below are the main Congressmen who wrote and coordinated with the Insurance, AEI and Heritage Foundation eventually being led by Senator Jim Demint. They are; John Chafee, Orin Hatch, Mike Crappo, Arlen Spector, Bob Corker, Lindsey Graham, Lamar Alexander, Charles Grassley, Bob Bennett, Christopher Bond, Don Nickles, George HW Bush and Jim Demint.

President Obama got elected and came with it a Democratic Controlled Congress to the surprise to the Republicans. Jim Demit gave the program to Congressman Charlie Rangel who Lead the Passage on Congress. Nobody knew what was in it and the Republicans were not so forth coming.

Republicans introduce 300+ Amendments and passed 160 of them. One amendment to keep the cost down and was killed. Called Single Payer Insurance. The Republicans pressed several times but could not kill Pre-Existing Conditions and voted down.

The Bill went to the Senate and managed to pass but not without a lot of conflict changing definitions and language, coordinated with insurance companies, AEI and Hertiage. Then Senator McConnell began his quest to hurt everything President Obama was trying to work on, like putting the country back on a good economic footing from the Bush Cheney Economic crash. The Bush Tax Cuts were supposed to Sun Set and McConnell made sure it got paired back.

Part of the agreement with Insurance companies was that the US would build the Federal Exchange and set up the foundation for States to borrow and migrate the software to fit their State needs. CGI won the award and built it in good conscience sizing it to fit what they thought would fit the public needs.

At the time the States were looking forward to adopting their own Exchanges. That is until the Republican began their quest to hurt President Obama. Abandoned all responsibility developing the PPACA and labeling it Obama Care.

Well CGI system crashed (www. Healthcare.gov) as it was not quite ready but good enough to get started. Because the several other States, all Republican Governed, never started their Exchanges. The demand was huge and the Public went and purchased on the Federal Exchange, which crashed the CGI servers.

CGI blamed for not meeting performance requirements lost the contract. Some of which was their fault but the greater responsibility for not being successful was the new Republican Agenda. Solution was quite simple more server space and throughput. This was too late and completion sent to another IT contractor.

To peer review, all of this information is searchable.
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