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Old 03-27-2024, 02:25 PM   #7
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Default Re: Post-Run Etiquette

Originally Posted by JP1738 View Post
Hello all, quick opinion thread here to see everyone's thoughts on post-run decorum. I'll tell you what I did and my experience and you can let me know if it was warranted or ill-advised.

I ran at the D2 race at SGMP this past weekend which was shortened due to rain. That being the case, we were only allotted one qualifying run. Because of the hurried nature of the race, D2 officials decided not to do fuel check and just weighed cars after the one qualifying hit and each round of elimination. I made my Q1 hit, weighed (I'm about 35#s heavy right now, came in at 3570 where my min is 3534) and went on about my day. Like I said, they also weighed the winners after each round of elimination. I was fortunate enough to win 1st and 2nd round, so I was required to weigh after both of those rounds.

Now it is my understanding that if for some reason a car does not pass a fuel check and the weigh-in, they are disqualified from the race and there opponent is awarded the round win. I got beat on a good run against Jeff Adkinson 3rd round, let go .033 and went -.007 under my dial to his .040 and a couple above. After the run, I made the first turn off given that I only went 99mph and Jeff went to the end after his 143mph pass, so I was in front of him coming back to the ET shack. Once I got the paper work on the race, I pulled over to the side to wait for Jeff to pass me. I wanted to make sure he 1.) Didn't drive by the scales or 2.) Fail to pass the weigh in. Now I know Jeff has been doing this for a long time and I'd be shocked if he forgot to weigh or flunked the check somehow, but I waited anyway. He did so and passed, so I fired up and drove back to my pit.

Is this bad taste? I didn't really see anyone else do this, but I felt like I was just doing my due diligence and making sure Jeff did what he was supposed to. I went up to him after the round to congratulate him and shake his hand. He didn't mention anything about the maneuver and was very humble in his round win, even thanking me for joining the stock ranks which I really appreciate.

What say you fine folks? Anybody else doing this? It probably would've been different had I been behind him to start with as I could have seen him drive onto the scales and pass, it just felt a little awkward pulling over and shutting off to wait for him.
CYA Cover Your A
Marty Hanft
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