Originally Posted by KRatcliff
Hard to believe it has been almost a year. Time flies and I really miss him. I was trying it think of a PG rated story to tell and this is about all I have.
Bill didn’t like to put stickers on his car which was a beautiful Porsche Guards Red. I called him one day and it was rare call that I was able to talk (he was fun to listen to). I told him I am sending two Alpine contingency stickers for his car. He asked me why and I said the don’t normally pay, but he was famous in the audio world for shooting out loud speakers at the track with his shotgun.
His reply was one of the funniest possible in my opinion. He tried to justify it by saying “I only did it twice.” 😳 I told him I knew about Brainerd, but where was the other time. He said at Indy. 😳😳😳
Turns out the offending party was one of the pro-stock bike racers that was playing their music way too loud and Bill was trying to sleep. He went out and warned them the first time that they had to turn it down or they won’t like what happens the next time. He went back into his camper and they had the nerve to turn up the volume
Sure enough, Bill silenced the speakers and the party was over when he came back out.
We heard this same story (along with dozens of others, enough to last a lifetime), one night after the sun went down at Indy, the year it happened, hanging around 'Dyno' Dan Zrust's pit area.
To this day, I think my ribs still hurt from the sheer amount of laughter that evening!
Bill was a one-of-a-kind character, no doubt about that...