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Bob Don 01-06-2021 03:52 PM

Democratic Rule
Now that it appears we will have a Democrat President as well as both branches of congress, what does this portend for the future of drag racing? Will they try to shut down auto racing under the auspices of the Green New Deal? Just throwing it out there...

MR DERBY CITY 01-06-2021 06:20 PM

Re: Democratic Rule
The future of drag racing is the least of our problems. In 4 years we won’t recognize the good Ole USA .....

SStockDart 01-06-2021 07:46 PM

Re: Democratic Rule
I am not very happy with the circumstances. Racing in 4 years is probably the least of our problems. CWII is the biggest threat and I know where the lines will be drawn.

Currently watching the protests/riots on TV...huge difference between the protests/riots that were in Minneapolis.

Carguy49 01-06-2021 08:17 PM

Re: Democratic Rule
America is in REAL trouble right now. We've been there before and come through it. I PRAY it happens again.

Irving Berlin's song God Bless America comes to mind. Please God bless our country and help us through this mess.

I am NOT preaching to all of us, just stating what I hope and PRAY will happen.

Chevy55 01-06-2021 08:39 PM

Re: Democratic Rule
I can promise y'all one thing and that is Biden will work to defeat this virus as fast as humanly possible to get us back to normal and nothing will distract him from that mission!

Keith 944 01-06-2021 08:50 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by SStockDart (Post 631262)
Currently watching the protests/riots on TV...huge difference between the protests/riots that were in Minneapolis.

A lack of looting comes to mind....

L.Fite 01-06-2021 08:57 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Chevy55 (Post 631266)
I can promise y'all one thing and that is Biden will work to defeat this virus as fast as humanly possible to get us back to normal and nothing will distract him from that mission!

So... Biden is going to step out of his basement and solve a problem the ENTIRE planet has been battling for a year?...

C'mon man...

Frank Castros 01-06-2021 09:29 PM

Re: Democratic Rule
I'm a Constitutional Conservative who voted for President Trump.
However after the despicable events of today, Donald J. Trump must now concede to President Elect Joe Biden and vow to move forward with the obligatory and orderly transition.
He owes it to all of America.

Randy Wells 01-06-2021 09:33 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Chevy55 (Post 631266)
I can promise y'all one thing and that is Biden will work to defeat this virus as fast as humanly possible to get us back to normal and nothing will distract him from that mission!

Well one thing for sure and you can bank on it, once Pervert Joe is in the White House you will no longer see the death count on CNN. I will bet anyone here $100. Just like the middle east wars once Kenyan Obama was elected the death counts stopped
Come on Paul put your money down. Use some of that $2000 Pervert Joe and the Crack Wh*** promised you

Randy Wells
I/S 5628

SStockDart 01-07-2021 12:21 AM

Re: Democratic Rule
A female United States Veteran was shot and killed today, while peacefully protesting in DC. George Floyd was a drug addict, convicted felon, worthless POS, and they burned down Minneapolis. This should tell everyone where priorities are with the left and let everyone know that violence is in the left, democratic voters, agenda.

Stand our ground veterans. I promise to protect our constitution.

Lew Silverman 01-07-2021 12:42 AM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Randy Wells (Post 631273)
Well one thing for sure and you can bank on it, once Pervert Joe is in the White House you will no longer see the death count on CNN. I will bet anyone here $100. Just like the middle east wars once Kenyan Obama was elected the death counts stopped
Come on Paul put your money down. Use some of that $2000 Pervert Joe and the Crack Wh*** promised you

Randy Wells
I/S 5628


Randy Wells 01-07-2021 12:45 AM

Re: Democratic Rule

No one will take that bet because we all know how bias the Communist News Network is.

Randy Wells
I/S 5628

Stan Weiss 01-07-2021 10:55 AM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Randy Wells (Post 631283)

No one will take that bet because we all know how bias the Communist News Network is.

Randy Wells
I/S 5628

I see as always if the name calling is from your posts there is nothing of value there. But please don't stop I enjoy the comic relief.


Stan Weiss 01-07-2021 11:02 AM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by L.Fite (Post 631271)
So... Biden is going to step out of his basement and solve a problem the ENTIRE planet has been battling for a year?...

C'mon man...

Really? How is the rollout of the vaccine going?

How about Biden using the power he has as POTUS to let other companies manufacture these vaccines.


Billy Nees 01-07-2021 11:05 AM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Stan Weiss (Post 631298)
Really? How is the rollout of the vaccine going?

That's under the control of the individual states.

Randy Wells 01-07-2021 11:09 AM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Stan Weiss (Post 631298)
Really? How is the rollout of the vaccine going?

How about Biden using the power he has as POTUS to let other companies manufacture these vaccines.



on Jan 21st, the numbers game will stop, the media will not report how many vaccinations have been done, the death count will stop also. they will prop pervert Joe up like he is saving the country. No conspiracy here I have been working continuously since this Chinese flu has been going around, flying monthly. Yes I do wear a mask on the plane but that is because I have to. Never wear one at home thank god for small towns.

I am sure Joe and Hunter will cut a deal with China to buy Vaccine

Randy Wells

Stan Weiss 01-07-2021 11:18 AM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Billy Nees (Post 631300)
That's under the control of the individual states.

It is hard to rollout what they do not have. Same thing happened with PPE.


Stan Weiss 01-07-2021 11:22 AM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Randy Wells (Post 631301)

on Jan 21st, the numbers game will stop, the media will not report how many vaccinations have been done, the death count will stop also. they will prop pervert Joe up like he is saving the country. No conspiracy here I have been working continuously since this Chinese flu has been going around, flying monthly. Yes I do wear a mask on the plane but that is because I have to. Never wear one at home thank god for small towns.

I am sure Joe and Hunter will cut a deal with China to buy Vaccine

Randy Wells


That is Interesting. I am not going to look for posts to quote. But some here were saying the same thing about how that would happen after the election in Nov.


Mark Yacavone 01-07-2021 12:11 PM

Re: Democratic Rule
No official comment on political posts from Outpost Arizona .
Gas is up a dime already
I'll just watch and wait....

There a few folks here that facts don't matter to, so what's the point?

Billy Nees 01-07-2021 12:59 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Stan Weiss (Post 631303)
It is hard to rollout what they do not have. Same thing happened with PPE.


The states have their allocations. The Governors are playing games regarding who is "allowed" to get the vaccine.

Stan Weiss 01-07-2021 01:13 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Billy Nees (Post 631310)
The states have their allocations. The Governors are playing games regarding who is "allowed" to get the vaccine.

What didn't the Defense Production Act get used?


Originally Posted by Billy Nees (Post 631310)
The states have their allocations. The Governors are playing games regarding who is "allowed" to get the vaccine.

Nothing new there.


r429469 01-07-2021 01:31 PM

Re: Democratic Rule
#1 racing is dying not from politics, but from apathy.

#2 Green new deal is going no where.

#3 In the last 12 years, barring the pandemic, did anyone not make money.

#4 I'll take that bet.

#5 Under the dems. nothing affecting normal rep. will change, unless you were in the capital yesterday, then the FBI will be calling.

#6 Don't be pissed off, this is a normal change of leadership, its been happening for over 200 years. (normal means there was a fair election)

Billy Nees 01-07-2021 01:37 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Stan Weiss (Post 631311)
What didn't the Defense Production Act get used? Stan

There's nothing wrong with the supply! Do you ever watch local news? I can't turn on a local channel without seeing "health-care providers and first responders" getting their vaccines.

Billy Nees 01-07-2021 01:41 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by r429469 (Post 631313)
(normal means there was a fair election)

Not here in Pennsylvania! The POS Gov. and the courts clearly broke State Constitutional Laws by changing voting laws that can/could only legally be changed with a vote by State Legislators!

Stan Weiss 01-07-2021 01:44 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Billy Nees (Post 631315)
There's nothing wrong with the supply! Do you ever watch local news? I can't turn on a local channel without seeing "health-care providers and first responders" getting their vaccines.

We need way more than that.

How many other people get the vaccine will have a direct effect on how tracks are able to operate / how many people will be able to be there.


Billy Nees 01-07-2021 01:50 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Stan Weiss (Post 631318)
We need way more than that.

How many other people get the vaccine will have a direct effect on how tracks are able to operate / how many people will be able to be there.


Irrelevant! The economy needs to be completely opened and people need to accept responsibility for themselves! What's being done right now (obviously) isn't working anyway! If you're personally concerned about catching covid then don't go out!

Craig Dawson 01-07-2021 02:05 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by r429469 (Post 631313)
#1 racing is dying not from politics, but from apathy.

#2 Green new deal is going no where.

#3 In the last 12 years, barring the pandemic, did anyone not make money.

#4 I'll take that bet.

#5 Under the dems. nothing affecting normal rep. will change, unless you were in the capital yesterday, then the FBI will be calling.

#6 Don't be pissed off, this is a normal change of leadership, its been happening for over 200 years. (normal means there was a fair election)

#6 This is NOT a normal change of leadership and neither was 2016!

Stan Weiss 01-07-2021 02:44 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Billy Nees (Post 631319)
Irrelevant! The economy needs to be completely opened and people need to accept responsibility for themselves! What's being done right now (obviously) isn't working anyway! If you're personally concerned about catching covid then don't go out!

What you want and what is going to happen are two different thing. Rolling out the vaccine to large number of people is the only way that the economy is going to opened backup.


Stan Weiss 01-07-2021 02:46 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Billy Nees (Post 631316)
Not here in Pennsylvania! The POS Gov. and the courts clearly broke State Constitutional Laws by changing voting laws that can/could only legally be changed with a vote by State Legislators!

What so did the PA Supreme Court do about it?


Billy Nees 01-07-2021 03:19 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Stan Weiss (Post 631327)
What you want and what is going to happen are two different thing. Rolling out the vaccine to large number of people is the only way that the economy is going to opened backup.


Ya know Stan, you're right! And covid can differentiate between a Wal-Mart store and a Race Track too!

Billy Nees 01-07-2021 03:25 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Stan Weiss (Post 631329)
What so did the PA Supreme Court do about it?


It's not over yet!
There are two things that I have learned about politics in my lifetime, the first is "never underestimate the power of ignorant people in large numbers". The second is "don't piss off the silent majority because if you do, there's no telling just what might happen".

Stan Weiss 01-07-2021 03:47 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Billy Nees (Post 631336)
It's not over yet!
There are two things that I have learned about politics in my lifetime, the first is "never underestimate the power of ignorant people in large numbers". The second is "don't piss off the silent majority because if you do, there's no telling just what might happen".

Very True. Now just who is the silent majority? Time will tell.


Billy Nees 01-07-2021 04:32 PM

Re: Democratic Rule
Well, on that we can agree!

SSDiv6 01-07-2021 04:50 PM

Re: Democratic Rule
I am trying to refrain to getting involved in politics, nevertheless, I will put my $0.02 in...

My niece has a PhD in Chemistry and a PhD in Pharmacy and she is a straight shooter. She has been involved in the development of the vaccine consulting and working with two of the largest pharma companies in the USA. She shared with me what the media has not told or shared with the public and her narrative is based on long hours at the lab and meetings with many around the world and government officials worldwide. She shared this with me two weeks ago.

First, it does not matter who was and is in power, they would not have been able to control the pandemic. Even European companies with some of the best pharma companies and brightest scientists and minds were not able to come up with a timely vaccine and/or solution. The reason? The base virus, same as the common flu, was mutated and synthetized in a lab and somehow, released. The virus was not mutated and did mutate biologically.

Many may already have the antibodies against Covid if they were exposed or experienced Malaria or the Dengue Flu. This is the reason why many 3rd world countries in Africa and South America and Asia have not experienced the impact of the Covid flu because many, due to Malaria or Dengue Fever, may have antibodies.

Although the vaccine has shown that it may work, there are side effects that have not been truly studied because the expediency to make it available to the public. She also said that now they are studying why there is a new strain of the Covid virus because due to its molecular structure, she cannot see it mutate biologically.

By the way, my niece is not a Republican or Democrat and although she is a US Citizen she cannot vote for the President where she lives. Nevertheless, she said that if the politicians would have stayed out of it, more could have been done to prevent the crisis such as limiting indoor gatherings and allowing people to keep their distance and be outdoors due to a known fact that the virus has a limited life span when in the open environment.

So in a nutshell, Trump, nor Hillary could have prevented this pandemic and Biden is not going to fix it either unless he is God!

Superfan1 01-07-2021 05:51 PM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by SStockDart (Post 631281)
A female United States Veteran was shot and killed today, while peacefully protesting in DC. George Floyd was a drug addict, convicted felon, worthless POS, and they burned down Minneapolis. This should tell everyone where priorities are with the left and let everyone know that violence is in the left, democratic voters, agenda.

Stand our ground veterans. I promise to protect our constitution.

I am a moderate liberal Democrat who firmly believes that violence cannot be tolerated by any individual or group regardless of political affiliation. As a fellow veteran, I also promise to protect our Constitution.

Paul Sarvas 01-08-2021 09:36 AM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by SStockDart (Post 631281)
A female United States Veteran was shot and killed today, while peacefully protesting in DC.


Originally Posted by SStockDart (Post 631281)
This should tell everyone where priorities are with the left and let everyone know that violence is in the left, democratic voters, agenda.

Who da cop killers?


Stan Weiss 01-08-2021 11:38 AM

Re: Democratic Rule

peacefully protesting in DC

Let see what the Brian Sicknick murder investigation finds.


Eddies66 01-08-2021 11:54 AM

Re: Democratic Rule

Originally Posted by Stan Weiss (Post 631395)
Let see what the Brian Sicknick murder investigation finds.


He was a former Air National Guardsman who served in Operation Desert Shield and Operation Enduring Freedom. Hit in the head by a peaceful protester with a fire extinguisher.

fred johnston 01-08-2021 01:18 PM

Re: Democratic Rule
[QUOTE=Paul Sarvas;631385]

Who da cop killers?

Really hate to see people die but common senses should tell anyone, you help to break windows on a federal building-much less the US Capitol---you've got a good chance of taking a bullet.

Chuck Gallagher 01-08-2021 03:49 PM

Re: Democratic Rule
During my life time I have had the good luck to travel all around the world, Asia, Africa and Europe and work with and get to know people of all races and religions. I have helped many of them and they have helped me.
I have gone to school and competed in sports with and against men who looked like me and many who didn't.
I have served my country along side men and women of all races who I respected and followed as they did me.
Most of these people, when I got to know them, I found to be just like me in what their hopes and dreams were for themselves and there families.
A few did not like me and some I didn't like either. However in the final counting we are all connected and so much more alike then different.
If you have had your DNA tested you may find, as my family has, that you have thousands of cousins some of them may be a surprise to you.
One of my 64, Fifth Great Grand-Mothers was an Iroquois child raised and made part of a white family. Another ancestor is an Englishman, Edward Lincoln, who had two sons, Thomas and Samuel, who came to the colonies and each raised families. Edward Lincoln is a common ancestor of President Abraham Lincoln and me.
One thing that I know to be true among most people is that words matter, and trust is easily lost. That said, if you must judge, judge by a persons actions and history and less about their words or promises.

How did we get to where we are today?

Chuck Gallagher

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