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Mark Yacavone 05-26-2024 01:27 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

FED 387 05-29-2024 11:37 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
the guys a Mook

Mark Yacavone 05-30-2024 12:18 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

L.Fite 05-30-2024 05:12 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
Don't understand how Dinero has any relevance to the trial...
What was he even doing there?
Needed some press?
Why would I take legal advice from an actor/activist?
These people need to stick to their day jobs...

r429469 05-30-2024 08:17 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
How is the orange buffoon gonna spin this.

Randy Wells 05-30-2024 08:45 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Originally Posted by r429469 (Post 697952)
How is the orange buffoon gonna spin this.

How is commie FJB going to spin it skippy!

Mark Yacavone 05-30-2024 10:43 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Originally Posted by r429469 (Post 697952)
How is the orange buffoon gonna spin this.

He's gonna call you a Pingol, AKA a clown

Fireofficer74 05-31-2024 12:22 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
I wasn't Guilty, your orange, (he was pretty white today in the TT lobby)buffoon was. I rock , u do not.

If you keep saying the same nonsense over and over, that will not make it true.


Mark Yacavone 06-01-2024 01:12 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
You'd have to be a complete retard to even think about voting for this senile old fool...again.


Randy Wells 06-01-2024 07:52 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Originally Posted by Fireofficer74 (Post 697993)
I wasn't Guilty, your orange, (he was pretty white today in the TT lobby)buffoon was. I rock , u do not.

If you keep saying the same nonsense over and over, that will not make it true.


Hot rocks you should go troll somewhere else, LOLa

Fireofficer74 06-02-2024 08:44 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
u got ca ca

Mark Yacavone 06-02-2024 06:06 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Is Einstein another one of your AKA's?

Mark Yacavone 06-09-2024 10:06 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
In another thread in this section, the issue of single issue voters came up.
Let's face it, it's a reality, and the subject reminded me of this.

Recently I had a conversation with two different women , both in their 70's.
The subject of Donald Trump came up with both women.
The first thing that came out of their mouths, besides "I'd never vote for DT".was that a woman should have the right to choose..In other words, abortion on demand in all 50 states. I assume they would include DC,US Virgin Islands, Guam, Puerto Rico, etc.

I told them both that DT didn't repeal Roe v. Wade. One of the ladies then proceeded to tell me that DT stacked the SCOTUS with three liars who said they wouldn't overturn R v. W, just to get on the court like it was some devious plot.
I didn't know what they had said, for sure, so I researched it.

I sent the following video to one of the women. I then asked her if she read it. She said no, I just deleted it. She then asked if it came from Fox News. I said no, but I told her she should have read it. She then said I told you. I don't want to hear any of the Trump right wing BS.

Was it ? You be the judge, but this is what we're up against ,friends.

BTW , I checked several surveys of what voters care about in 2024 . Abortion wasn't even in the top 10 in many of them.

Fireofficer74 06-10-2024 09:44 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
M Y u r good at picking and choosing your form of propaganda.. Good luck with everything.

Rick Pingol

A little like the russian and pali trolls that litter the internet with poo poo.

Mark Yacavone 06-10-2024 11:27 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Originally Posted by Fireofficer74 (Post 698420)
M Y u r good at picking and choosing your form of propaganda.. Good luck with everything.

Rick Pingol

A little like the russian and pali trolls that litter the internet with poo poo.

What Libtards call propaganda are truths that they can't refute, thereby making fools out of themselves.
How does it feel?

Mark Yacavone 06-19-2024 09:34 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
RR at 77

Mark Yacavone 06-20-2024 12:34 PM

Leftmedia Goes Berserk...
Claims Youtube is right wing....
Shows a cut video, claiming right wing alters videos to make FJB look bad...
Goes nuts, like mockingbirds with "cheap takes" spin...

Go to 4:30 if you don't time here>

Fireofficer74 06-21-2024 11:17 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
who gives a crap, he an old dude, ur savior is just as bad.

Mark Yacavone 06-21-2024 06:03 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Originally Posted by Fireofficer74 (Post 698858)
who gives a crap, he an old dude, ur savior is just as bad.

So then the videos lately are NOT cheap fakes?

Who gives a crap? Apparently the Lyin' Left Media

Fireofficer74 06-22-2024 08:50 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
just keep spewing the hate sock washer, no body cares, ur orange savior will if reelected, screw u over so effin bad, ur farts will never have sound again.

But sleepy Joe will win anyway.

Fireofficer74 06-22-2024 08:53 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
just keep spewing the hate sock washer, no body cares, ur orange savior will if reelected, screw u over so effin bad, ur farts will never have sound again.

But sleepy Joe will win anyway.

Also the videos are altered to not show the whole picture.

Alan Roehrich 06-22-2024 09:45 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Denial isn't a river in Egypt.

Mark Yacavone 06-27-2024 05:09 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
Will it be Jacked Up Joe, or Dopey Joe?
Hey Joe, what are you gonna do...

Mark Yacavone 06-30-2024 01:55 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
I have never watched this guy but he makes some good points.

The earpiece? I hadn't heard this before.

I did notice the hands before . When FJB freezes up, his hands are in the same position as when he entered the debate.

This video has a clearer version of FJB exiting the stage with his caretaker ...Frightening!!

What do you think? Guys who don't think (AKA Firefly , Big Cubes) exempted, please

Eddies66 06-30-2024 02:11 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Originally Posted by Mark Yacavone (Post 699316)
I have never watched this guy but he makes some good points.

The earpiece? I hadn't heard this before.

I did notice the hands before . When FJB freezes up, his hands are in the same position as when he entered the debate.

This video has a clearer version of FJB exiting the stage with his caretaker ...Frightening!!

What do you think? Guys who don't think (AKA Firefly , Big Cubes) exempted, please

Early stages of Parkinson?s , saw it is my mother in law and a friend.

Mark Yacavone 06-30-2024 02:52 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Originally Posted by Eddies66 (Post 699318)
Early stages of Parkinson?s , saw it is my mother in law and a friend.

I saw that speculation a few months ago..I have no direct experience though.

FED 387 06-30-2024 05:20 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
As I posted in another thread in the lounge--I am not a medical expert !!! I know by experience from my own brother, my brother in law my one sister in law that Biden has serious issues and eventually he may die from it but he surely will die with it./-Biden has a lot of the early and advanced symptoms of Dementia/Alzheimers etc. ---his gait/ stumbling and falling on stairs or just plain walking /anger issues /his voice in anger and then a very subdued voice-- loss of train of thought---the blank stare into the distance---unaware of his surroundings--how /where to go on the stage--ability to carry on an intelligent conversation etc. and then seemingly normal behavior. I'm not talking about his speech impediment I'm talking about what he says and the way he says it.
He is going down and he is never going to get better, never improve. Its just a matter of time before he is really incapacitated.His family and those around him need to accept this fact and prepare for the future. They are either ignorant or just don't want to believe what is happening or what the situation is. Look at Bernie Sanders he is about the same age as Biden does Bernie look or behave or have the same mannerisms as Biden--look at Sen. Grassley he is 5-8 years older than Biden how does he (Grassley) compare to Biden ?
Unfortunately this is a part of aging it affects some earlier in life and some later on and then it doesn't affect any at all. His family is not doing him any favors and they should be more concerned about THE COUNTRY , and what this is doing to the U.S.---FED 387

Eddies66 06-30-2024 05:42 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Originally Posted by Mark Yacavone (Post 699321)
I saw that speculation a few months ago..I have no direct experience though.

My mother in law had Lewy Body which is a combo of Dementia and Parkinson?s. My friend got Parkinson?s from PFAS and AFFF or firefighting foam.

Mark Yacavone 06-30-2024 06:49 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
At about 10 minutes in, the Biden campaign posted that he had a cold , and that was the reason for his hoarseness .
If that was the case, then why did his caretaker take him to The Waffle House after? So he could spread it around??
Also , what happened to the cold by the next day? He sounded jacked up , with a normal voice on the campaign trail.
Some have speculated that certain drugs would cause that condition.
Anyone have any knowledge of that?

Mark Yacavone 06-30-2024 11:22 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

BRETV 07-01-2024 09:59 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
It's elder abuse. If he was any other person they would be protecting him and making sure he was okay and not in stressful situations. But the Dems are so crooked they will prop him up in front of the public and make excuses and say we the people are wrong and our eyes are playing tricks on us. Why would you ever believe anything they say when they would do this to one of their of own. Very sad!!

Bret Velde
2003 I/SA

Eddies66 07-01-2024 11:09 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Originally Posted by BRETV (Post 699362)
It's elder abuse. If he was any other person they would be protecting him and making sure he was okay and not in stressful situations. But the Dems are so crooked they will prop him up in front of the public and make excuses and say we the people are wrong and our eyes are playing tricks on us. Why would you ever believe anything they say when they would do this to one of their of own. Very sad!!

Bret Velde
2003 I/SA

Bret, It is sad that the family doesn?t step up but we forget that MItch froze and had to be escorted away from the press. Is it party, ego, family or what?

BRETV 07-01-2024 11:13 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Originally Posted by Eddies66 (Post 699368)
Bret, It is sad that the family doesn?t step up but we forget that MItch froze and had to be escorted away from the press. Is it party, ego, family or what?

Eddie, Mitch isn't the President of the United States, ruler of the greatest Country ever. Total different scenrio. Congress doesn't work that much anyway, alot of time to rest between meetings. And Mitch was escorted away and protected. Not left there and told that he had a cold. SMH

Bret Velde
2003 I/SA

Alan Roehrich 07-01-2024 10:54 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
Having seen it happen, it is almost certainly from his aneurysm surgery, and his medication.It triggered dementia, and the medications exacerbate it.

McConnell is probably in early stages. I like him about as much as I like Biden. I have the minimum amount of sympathy for either, only in that they are human, and God commands that we have sympathy, even for the worst.

A lot of politicians on both sides are like those two, and their families are as well. I have contempt for the lot of them. I love the Republic, I have little use for the government, which has long since abandoned the Constitution and the founding principles.

Fireofficer74 07-02-2024 09:37 AM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
Mc Connel had a TIA, Biden is just An old man, everything slows down when you get old. Trump is a pathological liar. He cannot help that, because no adult has ever told him , no.

Mark Yacavone 07-02-2024 12:17 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
Biden back on the teleprompter..Reads "end of quote" off the screen

Mark Yacavone 07-03-2024 09:40 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Mark Yacavone 07-07-2024 05:22 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
Nothing new here, but I posted this on F/B.
I doubt it will last, seeing they are complicit in this scam...

Mark Yacavone 07-07-2024 07:45 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread

Mark Yacavone 07-13-2024 08:44 PM

Re: The Silly Season Thread
Media Magpies>

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