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Old 01-06-2008, 11:24 PM   #24
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Default Re: The death of bracket racing........

Parts of your statement I believe to be correct. A person should try to push themselves to get small rewards in this game. You also should do only what you can afford to, and most don't win any money.
All of this is very correct.
However, they say history has a way of repeating itself. Remember back in the seventies when they ran off the records in class racing? What happened? Car counts dwindled and class racing was at a place where changes had to be made to survive. Top S/SS, Jr/Stk classes like these are great for special races. Like add in's to National Opens or even Divisionals. If our Boss stocker would fit in a class and be competitive we'd probably run it for fun. But if you try to make it the sole way to participate it will eventually suffer. Look at IHRA Top/Stock. It started out great then it turned into a keep up with the Jones' whoever had the most money best equipment won. That's great if you have the means to do it. Most people don't.
You seem to think it should be a special priviledge to run class. My family doesn't have the means to keep up with you or most others. Does this mean we should not be allowed to class race. Our Superstocker is plenty fast as a matter of fact it made the fastest under the index run in Superstock this year. So, for a little while we'd be more then competitive on a run off the record or index type approach.
You compare us to Nascar. Where, "it isn't for everyone that wants to drive." You're right it's not. But, they do have regional and local series to work you're way up the ranks. Is that not what bracket racing and stock, superstock racing is. Places for people race at the means they can afford. There are approx. 1200 Superstock cars in the country should 1000 of these cars have to find a different place to race because the other 200 think things should change. I love class and heads up racing and I'm for mild class consolidation. But if you try to limit S/SS to just a handful of classes it will disappear.
Bracket racing as a part of class racing is a necessity to survival. Sure more heads up races will keep more people in the stands for a while but eventually the races will be dominated by a small few. Then where will the sponsors and spectators be.

Rick Ryan
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