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Old 02-15-2024, 12:10 AM   #33
Mike Gray
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Default Re: Not fit to stand trial.

Originally Posted by Eddies66 View Post
There are 38 million people in California, the most populated state in the country and the 4th largest economy in the world. I live in a great neighborhood, I pay my taxes, have all the freedoms that I took an oath to defend. Been retired for 10 years, I volunteer to help veterans. I have a great life and family. The greatest choice for change is your vote!
It was a great state, now we have more people living in poverty percentage wise than any other state. More homelessness than any other state, high crime rates all while paying just about the highest in the country in taxes. Under Brown and Newsom the budget for the state has tripled and they constantly talk about investigating big oil for ripping us off when the high price of gasoline can be traced directly back to their policies.
(Cap and trade is alive and well in Calif.) The legislature even passed a resolution to investigate taking over all health care in the state and coming up with a single payer plan covering everyone including illegals, only going to cost us about 500B.
Mike 7570 A/SA
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