Thread: New AHFS
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Old 12-26-2021, 03:33 PM   #84
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Default Re: New AHFS

I would hope that our Reps didn't suggest this. But as we know the squeaky wheel gets the grease. Are there more complaints about combo's that are underrated? Not sure if a poll would help. Not long ago there was a poll about not having the AHFS in place for Indy. The poll was overwhelmingly to have Indy without the AHFS in place. Both with current racers and members. Did our Reps look at it? My friend that races Stock suggested to Dave Mohn at the Cecil County Divisional that we at least have Indy every other year without the AHFS. Dave did say if he received enough email about it, he would consider supporting it. My same friend had recently called California about another issue but suggested the same thing about Indy. He said the person was in favor of no AHFS at Indy and that he was into the performance end of Stock. Not sure if it was Lonnie he was talking to.[/QUOTE]

This entire rule/rule change is a personal agenda from those within a small group of competitors, NHRA's SRAC Committee(not ours) and a selected few at NHRA itself. As you said, the squeaky wheel gets the grease! We did have a poll earlier this year in regards to AHFS at Indy and nobody listened to us...especially "our" SRAC Reps. When do SRAC Reps come up for re-election...or is this a lifetime position? I have been having issues getting an answer on this from NHRA, LMAO...I guess they like what they are hearing from them. Do you think its a coincidence that these rule changes keep targeting a select few and leaving out the masses? The AHFS just put out 23 HP changes between stock and SS at the end of this year...ya I guess its really broken!

IF NHRA and the SRAC/Special Interest Group of Competitors wants to just give certain combos HP, then just MAN THE F@#K UP and do it! You got your brothers in the tech department to add in "at NHRA's discretion"!!! So just post 20, 30 or 40 more HP on which ever combo you don't like! You wonder why our world is going to ****....its because we cater to the minority want equality in racing, there are 3 super classes to participate in.

Obviously at -.95under mineshaft is gone in STK. How the f@#k do you expect half the field to squeeze into 5 hun before "running it out" Q2! Like I said before, if you want more HP given out, raise the amount of review periods and bring back more class runoffs! Its mind boggling how "some people" think that competitors will just destroy their combinations just for the hell of it. HOW DID INDY WORK OUT FOR YA'S THIS YEAR!

I hope that Mr. Grim will do the right thing; however the proof is in your actions, not interviews in the ND or PRI. And if Lonnie says he will listen to the competitors concerns...we should be extremely worried about who has his ear....cuz so far the wrong people have had NHRA's attention.

As for the use of 660' and 1000' increments in the AHFS system, I call out whomever at NHRA to please inform the competitors, WHO will be calculating the back half splits?!?! No offense, but the people at NHRA with knowledge do not get listened to and those who know nothing and are overcompensated, get center stage for decision making; therefore I am extremely concerned as to "WHO" this special person is!...IMHO

Rant over....please whine away!
Kevin Gaffney
1123 SS/GA
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