Thread: Gun carry
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Old 03-27-2021, 12:21 PM   #9
Grey Ghost
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Default Re: Gun carry

Originally Posted by Eddies66 View Post
Law is based on thousands of years of pragmatic experience telling us what's practical to administer and desirable for fairness are made by humans, and so the reasons behind them vary. Some laws are passed by bad people for bad reasons, as when a town councillor proposes a new zoning by-law that will help his brother’s business but that will generally be bad for other businesses. But ideally, laws should be based on ethics. Good laws are generally intended to do ethically good things, such as protecting individuals, safeguarding rights, or promoting the flourishing of communities. I can’t speak to what is in the mind of the law enforcement in Hawaii, I lived there for three years but not as a resident and never voted in state election but I will say this, the culture is different and I am not saying that in a good or bad way.
Excellent point Ed. The U.S. constitution was crafted to right the inequities that permeated through out the world for centuries. The 2nd amendment is unique to this country and has served us well. IT IS BASED ON CENTURIES OF PRAGMATIC EXPERIENCE AND OPPRESSION!!!

No one is invading the northern Mexican border to go through Mexico to get to Venezuela or any of the central/south american countries. Lenin was all for guns to over throw the czar then took them from everyone but his security force. Remember Germany pre WWII? Hitler?

Mental illness/religion beliefs have been behind most all the shootings in recent history. Dems/liberals say anyone who speaks out against their ideas are a threat and need to be silenced. Remember those in congress who questioned 2020 election? Get a liberal mental health "professional" to sign them off as a threat based on what they call "hate" speech (opposition to them) and wha la...good bye firearms. They won't touch radical mideast jihadists though.

Bottom line. Who gets to decide...Pelosi, harris, liberal justices?
Phil Vos
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