Thread: Democratic Rule
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Old 01-07-2021, 04:50 PM   #34
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Default Re: Democratic Rule

I am trying to refrain to getting involved in politics, nevertheless, I will put my $0.02 in...

My niece has a PhD in Chemistry and a PhD in Pharmacy and she is a straight shooter. She has been involved in the development of the vaccine consulting and working with two of the largest pharma companies in the USA. She shared with me what the media has not told or shared with the public and her narrative is based on long hours at the lab and meetings with many around the world and government officials worldwide. She shared this with me two weeks ago.

First, it does not matter who was and is in power, they would not have been able to control the pandemic. Even European companies with some of the best pharma companies and brightest scientists and minds were not able to come up with a timely vaccine and/or solution. The reason? The base virus, same as the common flu, was mutated and synthetized in a lab and somehow, released. The virus was not mutated and did mutate biologically.

Many may already have the antibodies against Covid if they were exposed or experienced Malaria or the Dengue Flu. This is the reason why many 3rd world countries in Africa and South America and Asia have not experienced the impact of the Covid flu because many, due to Malaria or Dengue Fever, may have antibodies.

Although the vaccine has shown that it may work, there are side effects that have not been truly studied because the expediency to make it available to the public. She also said that now they are studying why there is a new strain of the Covid virus because due to its molecular structure, she cannot see it mutate biologically.

By the way, my niece is not a Republican or Democrat and although she is a US Citizen she cannot vote for the President where she lives. Nevertheless, she said that if the politicians would have stayed out of it, more could have been done to prevent the crisis such as limiting indoor gatherings and allowing people to keep their distance and be outdoors due to a known fact that the virus has a limited life span when in the open environment.

So in a nutshell, Trump, nor Hillary could have prevented this pandemic and Biden is not going to fix it either unless he is God!
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