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Old 03-04-2020, 09:01 AM   #3
Mike Pearson
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Default Re: Still looking for a super stock spot Gainesville

Originally Posted by tstickff View Post
If anyone is thinking of backing out please let me know! 603-953-4640

Just trying to help, here. You cannot actually "take" the spot of someone who drops-out. That person cannot say "I won't be able to make the race and 'Jim Johnson' is taking my spot". The Monday which begins the week of the race is when it is all decided. I've been through this extensively with NHRA, and was told to "just be ready" on that Monday morning, by letting them know you want a spot, if spots become available. You will be placed in a queue (first come, first served, by grade point rating), and if they end up with enough open (unused) spots to get to you (in the queue), you will be allowed to complete an entry, and get one. I was reminded that past champions are always given preference, which means that, even if you at the "front of the line" for a spot, a past champion in the category can literally step in front of you on the final Monday, and take that available spot. I make no comment on the fairness or feasibility of the system... it simply is what it is.
First and foremost the category has to drop below quota for anyone additional to enter. That is unlikely to happen as the racers that have provisional entries will enter no later than Monday. I would assume there are several that will be doing that. If the class drops below quota you can enter. To my knowledge there is no waiting list that I am aware of. In the past there was usually some drop outs. Last year no one dropped so I would really doubt any spots will come available. I am also keeping my eye on it but am not hopefull.
Mike Pearson 2485 SS
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