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Old 11-10-2017, 02:03 PM   #15
Jim Bailey
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Default Re: NHRA vs. NMCA/ NMRA

I'd like to add something real quick here .... Somebody / Anybody fill free to correct me. It was my understanding that a group of Stock/ Super Stock racers approached NMCA and asked for a chance to run at their races. NMCA agreed, and this was a "trial" to see if the Stk/SS racers would support a program. This was not some big "Idea" that NMCA had to add a Stk /SS program. So the last thing NMCA is going to do is change their schedule, especially for a class they don't need. They provided the Stk /SS racers an opportunity to have a different venue to race. They can drop it just as fast as they added it....But based on the fact that it - grew in car count - at nearly every event - I don't see that happening.... And as I've said before, If you skip an NMCA race that's in your backyard or drive past an NMCA race to run Stk / SS anywhere else, you're making a huge mistake. ( There are exceptions like- the racers that are annually chasing the NHRA National Championship, I get that. ) But for rest of us ... Try it you'll like it.
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