Thread: Online Petition
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Old 09-14-2007, 09:40 AM   #48
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Default Re: Online Petition

i think that over 4800 people looking at this in effect makes a statement. no i don't think having signatures on pI think that over 4800 people looking at this in effect makes a statement. No I don't think having signatures on paper is going to do anything in this case. The issue at hand is the law and the rights of Mr. "R" like it or not.

Mr. "R" has used his position, his friends and his money to get him into a position that he can get on with his life. Which he has? He now has a second shot at life. He will not wake up in jail for the next 10 years. And therefore, the punishment has been served with both a fine and community service and he is on probation. So therefore, in the eyes of the law he is free to do with his life as he wishes, within the law (register as a child sex offender).

Now I haven't been an active racer thanks to a little bad luck. But, I was at the division one race this weekend as a fan. With that being said sometimes I feel like I have no right to say anything on this site. But, after Chris?s last statement I feel like I should. I know Chris just had a baby (congrats by the way) so his feelings are probably the strongest of anybody. My baby is now 27 so I?m a little further away from understanding his feelings. But, here is my point. Use your strength as a family. Pit near each other, protect and watch out for each other. Which you do already, and as a rule I think you will be OK you do that now I?m sure. If you didn?t before you should now. There?s a point to bring to the nhra attension. For the safety of equipment and family be able to pit near one another to act as self-watchdogs.

If Mr "r" has the money and power to get out of his mess. How much cash may he have if he wants to go drag racing again. He? d sue the pants off of the nhra and probably win. So here's what I think will happen.

If he has a passion for the sport. He will stay away for a year or 2 or maybe more. But, if he loves it he will return. (Which is really easy I?ve lived it) he will get better between his ears. He will have paid the price himself. He is not stupid. And when he comes back, no you will not be happy about it, but it is his right. Its then up to you, if you want to shake his hand when you see him again.

Like it or not, his problem is being sick. Some might say that its not his fault, he was made that way. Bull****, but that is the way the world see's it. I don?t have small children any more, and I feel for those who have a strong feeling against his racing as Chris has stated. But, that is wasted energy. I wish I was wrong and if my signature on a piece of paper helps keep him off the track then I?ll sign it. Just be careful of how much energy you want to spend on this topic/event.

Carlos Mendes
S/street 1739
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