Thread: dead site
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Old 04-16-2013, 12:15 AM   #11
Ken Miele
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Default Re: dead site

Not sure I understand what you mean about slapping people, then drinking a beer with them. I never banned anyone for posting, unless they threaten or abused other members. I did remove posts to stay on topic. Most bans are in the classifieds and they are temporary, usually just a week.

So with the horrible things I did, it caused the .90 section to die and even you as moderator with the many friends and influence you have could not bring it back. I apologize for my short sightedness and maybe things will get better in the future. As for your moderating privileges, I removed all moderators the first of the year from Class Racer for security reasons.

So I gave you the privilege of being a moderator of my site so you could stop me from overstepping my power. So if I came to work for you, and you being my boss, you would let me make the decisions for your business correct?

I guess you think Class Racer is community property and members should control the site. That's fine if you feel that way, but its not based in good business sense. Someone has to make the decisions, wright or wrong.

It is true the .90 section is not a busy as it once was, but the overall site has grown leaps and bounds over the years. My advertisers are very happy with the amount of traffic. Being just a mere mortal that makes mistakes, I am sure there are things I could improve on. I always try to be fair as I can.

Chris, telling me how to run Class Racer is like me telling you how to paint a car. If I painted a car it would look like I used a roller. The cars that I have seen you paint look great, and its obviously you know your stuff. Try not to judge what I do until you walk in my shoes. I would never presume to judge your business because I have never been in your type of business.

The car you were supposed to paint was a project car that I could not finish and went to another owner. I do appreciate what you and your dad were going to do for us on that car.
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