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Old 06-04-2007, 04:47 PM   #9
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I'm not really sure what to say about this topic, and I debating saying nothing because it's a difficult topic to discuss. But, I've never been one to shy away from voicing my opinion, so I'll say it anyway.

Basically, this is just very disappointing for me. I've talked with Regis via the web (go figure), and met him in person and talked with both him and his wife at the track (before all of this went down). They both were very friendly to me, and I thought highly of them. I'm not condoning what Regis did, as it's clearly wrong and as the father of two small children myself, it's extremely disturbing. But, it's also hard to crucify somebody that I considered a friend (albeit not a close friend). I feel betrayed to a certain extent because I had no idea that any of this was going on. Otherwise, I certainly wouldn't have had any dealings with him.

But, I'm guessing I'm not the only one in this group. I would find it hard to believe that any of his close family members or his wife had any idea that this was going on, and I'm sure there are others on this message board that knew him much better than I did. I can only imagine what they're going through now, and I would have to guess that Regis' life isn't going to get easier in the years to come (I'm guessing a divorce is in the works, plus I don't think it's going to be that easy to resume life once he does get out of prison, as he's now going to have to live with the legacy of being a pedophile.)

In the end, he deserves the jail time that he gets (whatever that may be, though it's sounding like 8 years plus parole). I just hope he serves his time with dignity, and comes out of prison a changed man.

Jason Oldfield
S/G & S/ST 1838
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