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Angie Webb 10-31-2007 09:05 AM

Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Linn was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night with his 8 year old son Cole. They were both transported by air to hospitals in Columbus, Ohio. Cole was taken to Childrens to check out his condition he was released early in the morning on Sunday. He has some cuts and scraps but over all is ok. It is almost like a bubble was placed around him to keep him safe.

Linn on the other had was injuried badly. He had to have his spleen removed, his liver had damage and his diaphragm was crushed. He was unable to breath. They got him stable enough to fly him to OSU and did surgery right away. He also has a broken pelvic bone, his spin has some chips but will self heal and an injury to his brain. We are unsure if any other bones are broken as they are not life threating. Neither his brain or pelvic or back require surgery at this time. His stomach is still open as they have to go back in and "clean him up" check everything out and slowly they will put his stomach back together. He is not awake but can be with some help from the nurses and team of doctors. He does follow commands when they do this. The part of his brain that is damaged is the part that moves your arms and legs and currently he does do that with some control. Which is promising.

He is to have a second surgery today at 1pm.

If you wish to send cards you can do so at

Robert L Bebout
OSU Medical Center
410 W. 10th Ave.
Columbus, OH 43210

I will between my trips to the hospital try to update you as things change.

Angie Webb
(yes I'm Bill's wife)

Jason Oldfield 10-31-2007 09:45 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Wow....I'm relieved to hear that Cole is OK, but this is terrible news about Linn. Please keep us updated on his condition. We're all pulling for him...

Lynn Hoosigian 10-31-2007 09:54 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Give our love to Linn and wishes for a speedy recovery!

Jo Anne Winzer 10-31-2007 10:48 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
We are also very sorry to hear about Linn's accident. He is a god person and we will keep him and your entire family in our prayers.

Barney B 10-31-2007 12:13 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
So sorry to hear this! Our thoughts and prayers are with him. Get well soon Linn.
Barney and Penny

SSTRACER323 10-31-2007 12:42 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
I am sorry to hear about the accident, You are all in our thoughts and prayers
I had the pleasure to meet and race against Linn at Edgewater 3 years ago.
Very nice person and a class act.

T Hall 10-31-2007 05:56 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
WOW! I am at loss for words. I have missed seeing Linn at the races the last couple of years. He is a great racer and a super nice guy. He, Bob and Bill are always the racers I watch and try to imulate. Always helpful whenever I needed it.
We sincerely hope for the best for Linn and his family.
Angie, please keep us posted.
Thoughts prayers.

Tony, Lori & Richard Hall

Jeff Goodman 10-31-2007 06:55 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Angie - your family is in our thoughts and prayers. Jeff & Marty

Angie Webb 11-02-2007 10:13 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Wednesday afternoon they did surgery again. They removed fluid from his lungs, they were not able to close his stomach. That will come with time, maybe next week. Now they are trying to manage his pain but still need to get responses from him when the doctors come in to asses his condition. So it can be hard to get a balance. He does move his arms and legs but it causes lots of pain which they feel is because his pelvic bone is broken. They feel the brain injury is healing but haven't done any more CAT scans because he gets very upset when they move him and they don't feel it's worth it. The doctor is certain everything is healing well, so they put it off.

Thanks for the support. So many of you have called and visited. It's great for my parents and Linn's wife Robyn to know so many people care.


Tom DePascale 11-02-2007 12:16 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Sounds like it was a horrible accident, My thoughs & prayers are with Linn & family during this rough time .

Jeff Niceswanger 11-04-2007 01:57 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Thanks for keeping us posted Angie.We will keep him in our prayers. It's just a horrible thing to happen to such a nice family.

TMAZ321 11-04-2007 03:13 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Bob, Linda, Angie, and Robyn;

I have received several calls about Linn and Cole. The racing community has their hearts and prayers in your corner. This is so tough, we are thinking of him every minute.


Angie Webb 11-04-2007 04:15 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Saturday was very tough. A team of doctors started working on him at 2am and we were not certain he was stable till late afternoon. As the doctor said critical but stable. They made it very clear he won't be out of the woods for two weeks. He did try to open his eyes today and communicate. He can hear us so that is very promising.


Dick Butler 11-04-2007 04:51 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Angie, thanks for the updates. Take care of yourselves too during this stessful time. Dick Butler

bj3648 11-06-2007 08:58 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Linn has always been a feared and respected competitor in Super Street. I have missed seeing him and big blue during the last 2 years. Everytime I lined up against him I knew I was in for a fight. We are all praying for him at Racers for Christ. Lord, I pray that your hands will be on Linn and the Doctors that are working on him. Please give him a speedy recovery. His family needs him and we would love to see him back at the track. Lord let your will be done and may you be glorified in this situation.


B.J. Bennett
Good News Nova 3648

Angie Webb 11-07-2007 04:15 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Today Linn was stable enough to move him to do a CAT scan but during the scan things got unstable again. They continue to see small improvements in him. Such as he got a bit better early this morning but then after the scan he is the same place he was yesterday at this time. They have kept him on meds because they fear he will start pulling at the all the tubes in him. Which is common in a person of his age. But they are trying to give him less meds so that he can respond to them, not always working but somethings have gotten better. Such as they are giving him less pain medication. Which he did open his eyes this morning and look at my dad when he ask him to. But then the set back from the scan happened.

They have put a needle in his head to watch the pressure in his brain and it is staying at normal levels. That tells us that his brain is healing it's self and that it's not bleeding.

They are concerned about infection as he does have a fever. They have not been able to do a lung culture, they were hoping to do that today but didn't happen. So maybe Thursday........

So many of you have sent cards and that is very comforting to our family to know so many people care.


Watson Racing 11-08-2007 10:25 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Sorry to here about linn, Our prayers will be for him and all the family he is a strong person and will pull this


Webster 11-09-2007 10:41 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Talked to Angie late yesterday afternoon..................still described as "touch and go" but, stable.

Won't be out of the woods for several more days.............he needs lots of good thoughts right now!!!!!!!!

Angie Webb 11-10-2007 10:53 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
As of Friday night Linn is awake. It is unclear how much he understands, but does try to "talk" which with the vent doesn't work. He gets upset and frustrated. All of which are good and bad. The good part is he understands and knows we are there. The bad part is he understands and fights the vent. I told him last night that I would be back he looked right at me and blinked his eyes, I ask if he said "OK" and he blinked again. He has an infection that we are concerned about but hopefully the antibiotics will take care of it. His white count is very high. It went down when they had him on 5 antibiotics but took him off some because they thought they figured out what his infection was. Since then his white count went up so they put him back on all of them. They ask him if he's in pain and he shakes his head "no", this was just this morning. Today is going to be a tough day. He is awake, frustrated and wants his arms free, which they can't do because he will pull the tubes out. He's still very strong. They have turned his vent setting down today and will continue to do so over the next couple of days. His peep" is at 10 and to start considering taking him off that it needs to be at 7.5. Then move down below 5 or lower to take him off. They are still using it as a means to help heal his lungs.

Since he has become so aware of what's going on the medical staff has advised us that only family can go back into visit him right now. We certainly appericate all the support and it's really nice when some of you stop by and visit with our family. My Mom still hasn't left Columbus. She usually stays at a nearby hotel and is there all day. So stopping by to see her and Robyn his wife is good. My Dad went back to work this week. I'm going back to work next week also. (I was off because I had surgery when this happened.) Which will leave my Mom at the hosptial by herself alot more. So visitors to see our family (mosty my Mom and Robyn during the day) is great. They enjoy visiting with people.

He is aware of all the cards being sent as we can take them to his room and put them up so we have been doing that. The gifts and cards have been wonderful.

Thanks so much for your support and prayers.


Dave Goob Cook 11-10-2007 02:16 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Horrible news, my thoughts and prayers for a successful recovery.

Tom DePascale 11-16-2007 03:05 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Angie or anyone who has a recent update on Linn's condition ? Have not heard anything recently. Please update if possible. Thanks

Angie Webb 11-17-2007 07:01 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Linn is doing a bit better they tried to take him of the ventilator on Tuesday but that didn’t go well. He was trying to talk and stuff and he ask to be put back on it. They are going to close him up Monday and still aren’t sure if he needs any surgery on his hips or pelvic area. He responds to us when we talk to him. He smiles and shakes his head when we ask him questions. Today he closed his eyes while I was back there and I told him to open his eyes and stop teasing me like he usually does. He started to laugh/smile. He does struggle with sinus issues that could be an issue but we hope once they get his stomach closed things will be better. The neuro surgery department released him from their care this week also.

Thanks again to everyone for the gifts, cards and phone calls. You are the most supportive group of people.

SSTRACER323 11-17-2007 07:41 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Thanks for the update Angie, It is good to hear Linn is getting better each day. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Jo Anne Winzer 11-18-2007 12:43 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
We're very happy to hear that Linn is improving. We will keep praying for his recovery and for your family.
People who aren't in drag racing don't always understand when we say that our racing friends are family, we might disagree now and then, but we are always there for each other.
Thanks for the update Angie.

990 Novas 11-18-2007 02:29 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
I hope Linn makes a speedy recovery, sounds like he is progressing in his therapy. I was in the federal-mogul-stars in 2000 with Linn in S/ST, although i did not ever meet him, its tough when someone in our sport suffers a physical set-back like him. I hope he makes it through all of this.

-Ventura Motorsports

GaryGoFast 11-18-2007 11:47 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night

Originally Posted by 990 Novas (Post 47901)
I although i did not ever meet him, its tough when someone in our sport suffers a physical set-back like him. I hope he makes it through all of this.

-Ventura Motorsports

I agree with you on Greg, raced with Lynn at some D3 races but also never met him. I wish him the best.

Gary Federico
S/St #11

Angie Webb 11-20-2007 02:52 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Monday they finished the surgery to close Linn's stomach. He did not require any surgery on his pelvic or hips. They are now working on trying to get him off the ventilator and off medication. They hope that happends sometime within the next week. Then he will be moved to a rehab center at OSU.

Jim Butcher SST3755 11-20-2007 08:29 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Been down sick with brochitis the past week and a half.....glad to hear things are headed in the right direction and hope we can all start visiting real soon!! I will stop down to see your mom early next week if not before!! Call if you need anything!!

Angie Webb 11-22-2007 07:47 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Linn is doing better every day. He looks more like himself every day. He's now on a different machine that allows him to breath on his own but still helps him a bit. We are still
waiting to hear from the doctors about his pelvic area and what will need to be done. They do xray to check it and then give us up dates. Linn still responds to me when I try to wake him up. He shakes his head when I ask him questions.

He's getting better day by day.


Jim I hope you are feeling better soon. Mom is still staying near the hospital so she's there most of the time.

Barney B 11-26-2007 10:30 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Thanks for keeping us updated Angie, hope things keep improving.

Angie Webb 11-26-2007 11:28 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Linn was taken off the ventilator yesterday. He does still struggle at times to breath but is stable. He attempts to talk but his voice is still gone. He did get to see his two boys yesterday which made them very happy. It has been four weeks and for the boys that is a very long time.

I will keep you posted on what happends next. We hope he can be moved to a room soon and that people can visit soon. He will need that once he can talk. Thanks again for the support.

Lynn Hoosigian 11-26-2007 03:05 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Glad to hear things are improving even more! Bet Linn was as excited as the boys! That is GREAT medicine in itself!!

SSTRACER323 11-26-2007 03:59 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Thanks for the update Angie, good to hear Linn is breathing on his own.
Just keep getting a little better each day

Jason Oldfield 11-26-2007 04:00 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Wow...It sounds like Linn is out of the woods...thank God. Its nice to hear some good news on this topic.

Please let Linn know we're all thinking about him. Maybe if things continue to go well he'll be home by X-mas (probably the best X-mas present he could ever ask for)...

Bill Webb 12-02-2007 08:05 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Linn and I had a conversation today and he was aware of everything we spoke about. He has a long haul but I feel good after the last couple of days.

Thanks for the cards and prayers. I would like to start BSing about racing again !!

CBS 12-03-2007 09:58 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Wow...great news...

Chaserfan1 12-03-2007 09:27 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night

Thanks for the updates......even though we don't always ask how he's doing, he certainly is constantly in our thoughts!!! It's great to hear good news!

Angie Webb 12-09-2007 09:24 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Linn was moved last Monday to Dodd Rehabilation Center at OSU hospital. They are now working on trying to get his brain and body to work together. Today he actually looked like himself. He smiled and responded to us in his usual way. He so badly wants the strength to pick up Zoe and his boys. He has lost close to 50 pounds. They still aren't allowing him to eat. They still feed him in with a tube. He has yet to get his voice back but he whispers. They gave us a release from the hospital date of January 3. At that point he will go home and require 24 hours care from our family and friends. He will not be allowed to put any weight on his left leg till early Feb. They are still trying to figure out what the issues will be from his brain injury. The doctor says he thinks he will over come everything with time, we hope that is true.

He ask to watch a movie today which was great because he is usually so tired and his attention span isn't very long. My Dad took him up to the computer they have for the patients and he watched video of his race car on Racing Junk. He ask if Davey won the Pro Stock Championship, this is old news to us that Jeg did, but he was still out of it when that happened. When things like that come up it makes us realize how long he hasn't had contact with the world.

My parents ask him if he wanted anything special this year for Christmas he said "I want my health back." :(

The cards, prayers, phone calls are all much appericated. Thanks so much for your support. Each day a new batch of cards come and he loves knowing that you care about him.

Jim Blankenship 12-10-2007 10:54 PM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
angie ,
thanks for the updates.


formally s/st 3618

Jo Anne Winzer 12-11-2007 11:46 AM

Re: Linn Bebout was in a near fatal car accident on Sunday night
Thank you for letting the rest of the "family" know how Linn is doing. Each day shows a step further on his path to complete recovery. The fact that he has goals in mind, to pick up Zoe and hug his sons shows his determination.
Praise God for the healing that he has had and a prayer to continue His healing grace for Linn and a prayer that you and your family have comfort, strength and peace also.

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