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CBS 11-05-2007 03:04 PM

Super Gas Burndown
Did anybody notice the burndown @ Pomona between Jim Hughes and Ed Olpin.....I know Ed and I know Jim....Ed is an alright guy but he has this staging technique that drives you crazy. Certainly if he raced in Divisions 3 or 1 he would be taken out to the woodshed and corrected......

He will not stage he can put both bulbs on Hughes of course would not let him do that...and they were sent to the back of the line.....and again Olpin would not stage.....then he finally went in and Hughes could have hung him out or put 2 bulbs on quickly (like he does) but he didn't....he just staged like normal.....

My thoughts on this are.....lets decide the race on the track....not with some goofy staging technique....

Ed beware....especially in Division 1.....( a lot of mafia types) you may win a round or 2 this way but it won't compare to the penalty....sooner or later you're going to do this to the wrong guy.....

your buddy Rock...

CBS jr 11-05-2007 05:11 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
I like to stage with the back wheels when i can. lol


PA.... did you get your picture???

CBS 11-05-2007 05:16 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
not yet....


chebby2 11-05-2007 05:18 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Let's beat him up

FOR REAL 11-05-2007 05:36 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Hey Rock what's the deal? Is it because Ed's car is an old **** wagon and he needs to go in deep or is he just a little low on confidence and wants to make sure he has his finger on the button first? I love running people like him. It spruces up a boring 9.90 run.

How do you handle the Ed Olpins of the world?


Jason Kenny 11-05-2007 05:58 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Rock - Check out the first round results, he played the same game with someone else. I'm thinking Jim (in 2nd round) was ready for him after seeing that.

chebby2 11-05-2007 06:04 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Had one in Nobile that had to stuff it in .He raced me to the 2nd bulb but he forgot to stop.For once a plan worked.

1SG02 11-05-2007 09:13 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
I like Ed Olpin , damn nice guy..That being said. If Ed ALWAYS has to go in second and turn both lites on in one motion.....................Im sitting there till hell freezes over or my car burns to the ground.I aint going in no matter what.....just my view on the subject , i could be wrong !!!

990 Novas 11-06-2007 01:10 AM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
I was there and saw what happened between Ed & Jim. I think both guys are great racers and frankly good people. My personal opinion about staging is to just do it the same everytime, whether I'm first to stage or last...No game intended. I know Ed's technique, I raced him this year at the Bakersfield LODRS in the final, and have raced him a few times before. You could either play into it, and try to wait him out, or just get up there and do your own deal & try to beat him. Jim's always a top 5 contender in his cars, and Ed was trying to protect his top ten spot....I don't think its a reason for "Ed to beware". Its just two good racers squaring off. These guys records speak for themselves. Just my opinion.

-Ventura Motorsports

CBS 11-06-2007 09:51 AM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Everybody knows Ed does that...I'm just saying that somebodys going to take offense to it out this way....

I like Ed too..he's a good guy but just you're supposed to...Lets decide the race on the track...(yes, he did it to me in the All stars final and I was .053 and I knew it was coming)...Sooner or later it will catch up to him.....

no offense Greg...

CBS 11-06-2007 10:59 AM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Asta....Ed's car is nice....its just his technique to mess with people....

CBS 11-06-2007 11:47 AM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
I guess the issue is...He waits at least 30 seconds after you put your top light on to even move....its not illegal...just annoying.......then he goes blink blink and puts both on....

what do you guys think.....

crewchiefpro 11-06-2007 11:51 AM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Hughes could have staged first and there would have been no burndown. Why is it Ed's problem? I was in the staging lanes and Hughes was heard to say "Ed I hope you have your motor ice cold". Hughes was going to the line expecting to sit.

Just 2 racers doing it their own way, no harm, no foul.

Lynn Hoosigian 11-06-2007 12:04 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Sounds to me like Jim knew Ed was going to sit and was just letting him know - he really was going to sit.

1SG02 11-06-2007 12:06 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
If someone has to do the same thing every time they stage.....why in the hell would you want to do what they expect you to do !!!!!!! no brainer here guys. If a guy has to turn the top bulb on first, Im goin to beat them to the starting line. Letting anyone dictate how the staging procedure will go is ignorant.I stage when i want to stage, not when someone tells me when to stage.....I cant be alone on this !. CBS ? FOR REAL ?

SSTHottie1236 11-06-2007 12:57 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown

Originally Posted by 1SG02 (Post 46459)
If someone has to do the same thing every time they stage.....why in the hell would you want to do what they expect you to do !!!!!!! no brainer here guys. If a guy has to turn the top bulb on first, Im goin to beat them to the starting line. Letting anyone dictate how the staging procedure will go is ignorant.I stage when i want to stage, not when someone tells me when to stage.....I cant be alone on this !. CBS ? FOR REAL ?

I agree, it's that old saying "run your own race". Yeah, sometimes it's nice to know if someone goes and puts both bulbs on if you're someone that needs to take a little real estate for that stupid .370 tree but other than that, I can't see a need why you should play along with the game. There's a guy that I've raced a couple times (three to be exact) and each time he has put both bulbs on while I'm still halfway to the starting line. Not sure if he can't control his foot, he's overzealous, he's trying to mess with me, not sure and don't care. With him, I just sit there, watch him do it, watch the starter back him up and he tries again and I'll approach. I could really not give less of a crap about what anyone is doing besides me. I've learned racing like a dumb blonde pays off most of the's when you start thinking up there is when you are screwed.
1236 S/ST

TS310C 11-06-2007 01:48 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
1SG02; I can't agree with you more! It is not Jim's responsibility to go in first just because he knows Ed likes to stage last. Everyone should just stage however it works out. I just do my thing and if I get there first, fine. If I don't that's fine too. I agree with CBS, the race should be won or lost on the track not because someone is playing games on the starting line. It is called "courtesy staging" for a reason. That is just not courteous! I would melt my motor to the ground before I would go in first against anyone like this!

CBS 11-06-2007 02:50 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Staging games are bad...whats the big deal...99 percent of everybody stages properly....I remember back a few years ago...a certain group of racers used to back into the beams...and with their past history....everybody(not me really) took offense to it...So they were told not to do it anymore...and now a few years later...not only have these guys won more races....we actually like them....and enjoy racing with them....

I'm thinking its a west coast thing.....

I think I woke Todd up....did I strike a nerve....

I race in all the divisions (except 4) and really there are only a few that mess around...and maybe only 1 that had had any success.....

slow dragster 11-06-2007 04:05 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Maybe its just D7 Not to pick on anyone. I raced another D7 driver this year at Indy. I think he took more then his share of time to get in. I bumped in and I looked over and he never moved.
Oh well Rock sorry about hanging you out in Joliet earlier this year. lol

CBS 11-06-2007 04:54 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
it couldn't have been bad...because I don't remember it.....

Ed sits 20 feet behind the line....and doesn't move till you stage....

CBS jr 11-06-2007 05:30 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
I always give one chance and the next time i race them its on. One time someone took forever to stage so the next time i let them do the burnout then i let them sit ... then when i was ready i did my burnout then they put the first light on then i let them sit some more then they staged and after that we raced. The guy behind me after the race stopped and said that was great. After that this person stopped being an A H O L E. just my 2 cents.

PA ... still no picture???

CBS 11-06-2007 05:47 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
got it... awesome.....thanks...

bighead 11-06-2007 06:14 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown

What is wrong with Div. 4? BTW, Todd who? LOL!

Tom Goldman 11-06-2007 07:18 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Asta and I had a barn burner many years ago at the Keystone's, long before courtesy staging or Auto start........... Both of us knew in the staging lanes neither would stage first........ After the burn out , it took nearly 45 seconds for either of us to even get close to the tree, much to Buster Couch's displeasure. ....Once we finaly staged , Buster took over, and proceded to give us both a lesson in staging etiquet. After about 30 seconds ,when the RPM's started to come down ,and the converters were melting , he activated the tree...... I lost it, but somehow John managed to nail it with a 00 lite. ..... Later while he was taking a break, he saw both of us in the lanes ,and as only Buster could, reminded us that neither of us could win against him!. ... Thats whats missing today, when a racer continously plays the same game, only the racer in the other lane can make an attempt to disrupt the other racers game. ...... Tom

990 Novas 11-06-2007 07:19 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Hey Rock, no offense taken. I was just giving my point of view, as I was there and witnessed what went on. Everybody has there idiosincricies, but my theory is just get in and let's race. No games...In fact I do better when someone tries to burn me down, it gives me time for my thick head to concentrate.

-Ventura Motorsports

CBS jr 11-06-2007 07:40 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Greg... your problem is you can't stay in one place it takes 2 or 3 times to park your trailer. lol

CBS 11-07-2007 10:25 AM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Bighead...I just haven't made it down's certainly on my list of things to do....but its just so far....and with racers like you and now Todd Stewart....I'm afraid to go down there.....


Steve VanderSloot 11-07-2007 11:37 AM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
It's pretty obvious that Ed plays this game to get into the heads of others. I'm sure being a dick like this is what he feels he needs to do to gain an advantage over the competition. However, I'd be surprised if he has many friends or the respect of his fellow competitors for the obvious display of unsportsmanship.

Good for Jim. If Ed wants to play psychological warfare, then he'll find people like Jim who can play that game too if dragged into it. I think Ed will find it to work against him in the long run.

Webster 11-07-2007 11:49 AM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Ed Olpin......don't change a thing!!!!!!!

Jason Kenny 11-07-2007 12:44 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
I love playing staging games. I figure since I have no ability to focus or concentrate, might as well try to bring the other racer down to my level! Asta, I will forever be grateful for the advice. Thanks again.

Maybe they need to institute a Nitro Joe type of rule for staging, but how would they make a similar rule for pre-staging? Maybe they need to start throwing both racers out?

I got tossed out of a Top 8 race a few years ago, and the Division Director later told me he couldn't do that on Sunday (Top 8 was a Friday), since there was no official rule in "the book" regarding staging burndowns. But I'm now thinking ... isn't that one line "the race directors decision is final" pretty much allow him to do whatever he wants?

CBS 11-07-2007 02:03 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
This iisn't a personal attack....on Ed....Maybe he will post why he does it....Like I said...I have no problem with him....personally....Just his staging technique....

Of course now everybody in the country knows what he does and they will probably do what I did and change my routine when I race him....which caused me to lose....which is what he was probably looking for....

So Ed ...I actually helped you with this post....

Webster 11-07-2007 03:29 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Not a personal attrack??? Sounded to me like you were brokering an *** kicking for Mr. Olpin should he dare venture east of the Mississippi to race someday......something about "Ed beware," "woodsheds" and you were pimping the D1 ("mafia types") guys to do the deed!!!!!!!!!!!!

CBS 11-07-2007 05:09 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Come on its the off season....we are bored....Ed kicked my butt and a lot of others this its time to mess with him....I never said he was a bad guy...I just don't like the way he stages....I'm sure he has read most of this by now and maybe he will post....and explain himself....

You are new to this you aren't familar with our roasts....I thought we were nice to him....nobody has posted doctored up pictures yet....

Who are you mr webster....

LNorton 11-07-2007 06:00 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
There is a much easier way to take care of a double diver. I have used it and it works. Turn the top bulb on long before they are up there. Just watch them, as soon as they about turn on the top bulb, in the second you go. If they dont get the second light on in the first move, you can count it as a round win before you let go of the button.

Webster 11-07-2007 07:56 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Mr. Haas..............very familiar with the "roast" mindset on this site, have been visiting for a couple years now. Until today, I have resisted the temptation of joining. However, the vacuum you created hanging off the end of Jim Hughes tool and, calling Mr. Olpin out in your original post, drew my hands to the keyboard with the speed of one of your cars running the backhalf!!!!!!!!!!!

Me??? I'm just a wanna be..............

Ruthless 11-07-2007 09:15 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Mr. Webster I certainly wouldn?t dispute you being and expert on how much vacuum can be created by hanging off the end of someone?s tool,because it?s evident by the lip lock you have on Mr. Olpins unit covering for him.

What brought this tread about was Ed?s piss poor staging practices and that is common knowledge super class ranks.

Yep Ed has the right to do whatever, wherever, staging his car, but he should also at least have the ?CaJones? to step up to the plate and respond here himself and not have some nuthugger covering for him.

Ed?s lack of response to this thread and you covering for him is as classy as his staging practices.

Webster, you need to loosen up that lip lock you have on Ed so he can chine in here, because we would love to hear from him on this matter.


990 Novas 11-07-2007 09:50 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Dam!...You guys seem to be ticked off about a guy on the other side of the country. Other than the fact that he will be at the All-Stars, It would be hard pressed to think that he would race outside of D-7 or D-6. You guys are all worked up over this thread....In my opinon, if you have raced Ed, then you can make an opinion about Ed and the way he stages and so on. Or for that matter, if it really bothers you, then go up to him yourself or try to get his phone number, and you can discuss the problem you have with the way he stages, as opposed to posting on a message board, some sitting behind a fictitious name. I race with Ed in Division 7, I'm not even a friend of his, just an aquaintance.
He's decent guy, and I'm sure he doesn't want enemies. I have always found that if you have a problem with something or someone, go to the source, and try to remedy your problem.

CBS Jr.- I moved my trailer because I had a spot saved, and trust me it wasn't because I'm allergic to Mustangs!

-Ventura Motorsports

Webster 11-07-2007 10:22 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Interesting....................a member of Rock's posse heard from!!!!!!!! Took a little longer than expected but, expected non the less!!!!!!!!!

For the record, I don't know Ed Olpin from the man on the moon. I do like the tactics that he employed against Jim Hughes recently and Rock Hass (whenever they happened to find themsleves paired) and more importantly, the fact that it has all the HITTERS and their respective posse's fired up!!!!!!!

As for lip locks and vacuum...............

one "nuthugger" to another!!!!!!!!!:D


chebby2 11-07-2007 10:34 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
I've been out of town for 2 days with no access to this site. WOW this winter will be interesting......

GaryGoFast 11-07-2007 10:46 PM

Re: Super Gas Burndown
Jason, was that at LVD against a racer who for some reason had to be last in & you wouldnt let him ?


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